Helderberg Dental Practice

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Prevention is Better than Cure!

 Too often I encounter new patients at my practice who, after initial consultation, tell me that they don’t know how cavities and gum disease happen.  Upon further investigation, they’ll often also tell me that they've never been properly instructed regarding home dental care. This means that they’re brushing their teeth (but usually not cleaning interdentally) without knowing the “why” and “how” regarding oral health maintenance.  The truth is that cavities and gum disease are virtually 100% preventable diseases. This means that as dentists, we spend most of our time fixing preventable dental health problems. Pause for a few seconds and let the thought sink in… 

  Furthermore, I find that there is a misconception among many patients that dental fillings will last forever. I am terribly sorry but nothing, I repeat nothing that we as dentists do to fix a tooth will last forever. Fillings, crowns, etc. can last very long, and their lifespan can be extended with a combination of thorough home care and regular preventative care with your dentist and/or hygienist. Still, it won’t last forever. This is why prevention is essential to keep your teeth from falling into the restorative cycle (and from falling out later). Please see this article published in the South African Dental Journal in October 2015 about the longevity of different dental restorations: http://www.scielo.org.za/pdf/sadj/v70n9/08.pdf )

Knowing that prevention is better than cure is the most important thing you can ever learn about your teeth and gums!

 Here are some links to Curaprox (my personal favourite toothbrush and -paste manufaturer) instructional guides and videos for proper brushing and flossing technique. Stay healthy, keep smiling!

